Your staff can contribute to Addressing Māori health inequities
Support your staff to learn about Māori health and use it to:
- Explore their understandings of traditional and contemporary Māori society.
- Describe the ‘why’ and ‘what’ of the Treaty of Waitangi.
- Unpack the process of colonisation and how this impacts Māori health outcomes.
- Explore equity from a ‘needs’ and ‘rights’ based perspective.
- Unpack cultural competency versus cultural safety.
- Define racism and what it means to be anti-racist.
Yes, your staff can be part of the solution!
During your organisation's workshop with Elana, your staff will learn how they can contribute to addressing Māori health inequities.
An in-person workshop with Elana …
Allows her to weave in her experience with providing Māori public health expertise across the health sector using real examples that your organisation can draw on as you work through the content outlined below.
Elana prefers an interactive workshop style and so she is quite led by the participants and where they are at, whilst ensuring the workshop is a safe (and fun) learning environment.
In-Person Workshops with Dr Elana

Are You Ready To Learn About Māori Health?
Elana's in-person workshop will introduce your organisation to basic concepts that are required to understand Māori health. Elana can support attendees to:
- Situate themselves within a pepeha framework.
- Briefly describe traditional Māori society, Treaty of Waitangi, colonisation, Māori population today and current Māori health status.
- Deconstruct common myths about Māori society/health.
Identify mechanisms to intervene positively for Māori health by understanding the ‘cause behind the cause’ of Māori health inequities
– Treaty/rights arguments
– Equity/needs arguments (and where Pacific fits in)
– Cultural competency versus Cultural Safety
– Anti-racism approaches
Reimagining themselves as a change-agent for Equity, Te Tiriti, Cultural Safety and Antiracism.
With some basic knowledge your staff can begin their journey to help improve Māori health outcomes.
Yes, your workshop CAN be customised!
Would you like an in-person workshop on related but different content for your staff?
Discuss with Elana the content you are hoping to include and she will work with you to see what’s possible.
This Workshop Is For Your Organistaion If...
- You are involved in health in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Your staff need support to unpack core concepts associated with Māori health
- You need to provide cultural safety, cultural competency. Māori health, equity and racism training
- You want to be part of the solution for Māori health

Dr Elana Curtis
Has provided workshops to the following organisations:
- Counties Manukau DHB Leadership programme (now Te Whatu Ora) (multiple)
- Francis Health Leadership programmes (multiple)
- Womens Health team and maternity services, Counties Manukau District (multiple)
- New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine (registrar orientation)
- Mātauranga Māori and Population and Public Health staff within Te Aka Whai Ora (multiple)
- Māori Health, Counties Manukau DHB
- Māori Regional Coordination Hub, NRHCC
- Plastics Department, Counties Manukau DHB
- Dental Council of New Zealand
- Pharmacy Council of New Zealand
- Medical Council of New Zealand, all staff (multiple)
- Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP)
I'm Dr Elana Curtis
Ko Matawhaura te maunga kohatu
Ko Te Rotoiti-i-kite-ā-Ihenga te moana
Ko Ngāti Rongomai rāua ko Ngāti Pikiao ōku hapū
He uri tēnei o Te Arawa
Tihei Mauriora!
I was 10 years old when I decided I wanted to become a Māori doctor. Since then, I've specialised in Public Health Medicine and had an extensive academic career as an Associate Professor teaching, researching and advocating for Māori health. I'm now ready to share my knowledge with as many people as possible. I'm very excited to present my first online course that aims to provide health workers with the basics.
Join with me as I help you learn the importance of being culturally-safe, Treaty compliant, pro-Equity and antiracist!
Learn More About Me Here